Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm Heading to Free Agency...

Augusta, GA - After two years of successfully broadcasting baseball in Augusta, GA, Nick Barrale is hitting the open market as a free agent. When the 2008 season comes to an end, Barrale will have broadcasted all 280 games over the past two years including the playoffs for the GreenJackets.

Hired as the first broadcaster for the Augusta GreenJackets when Ripken Baseball purchased the team, Barrale’s voice brought the action of GreenJackets baseball into the homes of GreenJackets fans in the Augusta area and around the country.

“I feel very fortunate and blessed to have been given the honor of working in Augusta with the GreenJackets and Ripken Baseball,” Barrale said. “The fact that they had enough confidence to bring me on as their first broadcaster means a lot.”

Barrale was the first person set in place that handled both the Media Relations department along with broadcasting games for the GreenJackets, Single-A affiliate of the San Francisco Giants.

“They really did not know how to structure the broadcasts and they had no radio equipment,” Barrale said. “I had to research and acquire equipment while staying under budget and set up the broadcasts.”

Barrale’s previous skills working with KMOX as a production assistant and producer for St. Louis Cardinals baseball paid off. Barrale produced, edited and voiced many spots and promos that aired not only during the broadcasts, but also over the six other Beasley radio stations in the Augusta area.

Broadcasting skills were just one of the many that made the St. Louis native an attractive fit in Augusta. Barrale’s networking ability along with his creative writing has garnered press releases that brought the GreenJackets national attention in 2008. Working with Minor League Baseball and Baseball America, Barrale was able to arrange and coordinate interviews with players for national exposure for online and printed articles over the past two years.

In April of 2008, Barrale pitched ideas to the Golf Channel’s Adam Barr that resulted in a feature story on the ’Jackets that aired during the Master’s, one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world.

Barrale again worked his creativeness into a press release for Brett Favre Night that gained national attention on news networks such as ESPN and CNN. Barrale appeared on Chris Myers’ nationally syndicated show on Fox Sports Radio talking about the promotion and the GreenJackets season.

Along with writing over 500 game recaps in his five years in baseball, close to 300 press releases, and broadcasting nearly 500 games, Barrale set himself apart with his skills on the computer with his web and graphic design work.

Barrale helped in creating custom graphics for the Augusta web site that highlighted player accomplishments and press releases. Barrale also used his web design skills and audio editing talent to create links to game highlights so fans could read the game recaps along with hearing the highlights from the previous night’s game.

“I really wanted to give fans another reason to go to the web site,” Barrale said. “I looked at all these other web sites out there and they featured highlights and fans get a real kick out of hearing them.”

Along with the highlights, Barrale created a link on the web site so fans could access the in-depth game notes he worked on daily to stay informed on all the latest stats and trends.

The GreenJackets have no plans right now to continue with radio in the 2009 season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed you were not on the greenjackets web site so I did a google search and found this web site. I had no idea! That is bad news for all of us that would tune into the games. You did a great job this year! My husband and I were just talking the other day about how we like to listen to the games when they are on the road and bring our radio's to the home game to listen to you. You will be missed.